Sarkan: Hassle-free Disk Management for Kubernetes & SaunaFS

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Due to the processing of your personal data by us, please read the following details regarding the processing.

1. Who is the Administrator of your personal data?

The administrator of personal data that has been provided to us is INDEVOPS sp. z o.o. sp. k. [LLC LPs], with its registered office in Warsaw at 87 Grzybowska street, entered into the register of enterprises kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS No, (National Court Register No.) 0000686577, having NIP No. (Tax ID No.) 527-281-31-97 (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator).

You can contact the Personal Data Administrator:

Snail-mail, by sending correspondence to the following address: Grzybowska 87, 00-844 Warsaw.

E-mail address:

2. For what purpose will we process your personal data?

We will process your personal data in order to:

  1. Make a deal with you to provide IT services in the area of ​​Analytics in Monitoring and/or Automation of IT Services,
  2. Fulfil duties arising from the contract upon its conclusion,
  3. We will process your data to fulfil the requirements imposed on us by the provisions in scope: archiving and accounting.
  4. Claim payment for our services, should the payment for services not be paid and to defend against claims of others (in accordance with art. 6, par. 1, letter. f GDPR).
  5. For marketing purposes, after you consent to it (consent can be given or not, on our website, or by contacting the administrator) in accordance with the Act of July 18, 2002, on the provision of IT services. Expressing such consent is voluntary.

3. What is the legal basis for processing?

3.1. For the conclusion of the contract and its implementation, the basis for processing will be art. 6, par. 1, letter. b of the GDPR, allowing for the processing of data when it is necessary for the execution of the contract that’s linking two parties.

3.3.For data processing in order to claim payment for our services should the payment for services not be paid and defending against any claims, the basis for processing will be legitimate interests realized by the Administrator (in accordance with art. 6, par. 1, letter. f GDPR).

4. To which recipients can the personal data be provided?

While respecting the nature of your data, including using mechanisms that minimise the number of data transferred and limiting the possibility of data transfer, your data may be transferred to:

  1. External entities including hosting companies in the scope of collecting Administrator data on external servers,
  2. External entities conducting audit/control, legal, financial and accounting activities to the Administrator,
  3. Insurance companies in the event of claims against the Administrator,
  4. Data may be made available to entities authorised under the law,
  5. Entities cooperating with the Administrator on the basis of B2B contracts.

5. Can the indicated data be transferred outside the European Economic Area?

The Administrator does not transfer your personal data to recipients located in countries outside the European Economic Area.

6. What are your rights related to the processing of personal data?

You have the right to:

  • access your personal data and the right to demand their rectification, removal or restriction of their processing;
  • object to the processing of your personal data – in so far as this personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests of the administrator;
  • rectification of personal data being processed, to the extent that the indicated data is inconsistent with the actual state of affairs. The above does not apply to the collected medical data;
  • transfer personal data;
  • lodging a complaint to the supervisory body dealing with the protection of personal data, which is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection;
  • To the extent that the basis for the processing of your personal data is your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent, but this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing, which was made on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.

7. What data do we process?

We will process the following categories of your data:

  1. Identification details (usual: address, name, name, registration numbers, phone numbers, emai addresses, account number),
  2. Data about your IT systems to the extent to which such data will be passed to us,
  3. Data regarding your employees to the extent of the contract implementation.

8. How long will your personal data be stored?

11.1. Personal data will be stored until the claims for the performed contract for the provision of medical services are time-barred. Data processed for accounting and tax purposes are processed for five years from the end of the calendar year in which the tax obligation arose.

11.2. The data processed on the basis of your consent may be processed until you withdraw your consent or determine that they have become outdated.

9. Information about the requirement to provide data

Providing personal data is a prerequisite for concluding an agreement with Indevops sp. z o.o. sp. k. [LLC LPs] with its registered office in Warsaw. Refusal to provide data may be grounds for a refusal to conclude a service contract


At Indevops we care for your privacy and make every effort to guarantee your rights to process and protect your personal data lawfully. We explain how we use cookies and other technologies at our website

How do we use cookies?

Most of the websites, including ours, are stored on your device. More specifically a small text file is saved in a clipboard of a specific browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and others) connected to a user account on a device from which you’re connected to the network; they’re the so-called cookies.

Through their use, Authors of websites or browsers know how many users are visiting, what they’re reading, and what is not interesting. The information collected using cookies can also be used to gather information about you for commercial purposes. For example, if you often visit websites about IT outsourcing, you will see more results concerning this industry.

Cookies improve the login process by remembering the login and password and also store the items added to the basket, even if you refresh the website. (

Cookies used on our website do not store data allowing direct identification. Data obtained in this way will not be sent to third parties, except for the exceptions indicated in our GDPR tab. (

For what purposes do we use cookies?

  • we use cookies in our registration form,
  • We use cookies to find out how many users visit our website and get to know how they do it – this helps us to improve on the quality of  the services provided, e.g. Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyse the number of users visiting our website. For more information, please visit;
  • we use cookies to monitor and manage the flow of data on our website;
  • We use cookies in our advertising campaigns. Cookies help us improve our website and make our offer more attractive.

What kind of cookies do we practise?

  • Session cookies

These are temporary cookies that last as long as you’re on the website (until you leave the site and close the browser, to be specific). The above files allow the site to remember your activities from the previous page, eliminating the need to re-enter information.

  • Permanent cookies

Persistent cookies remain on your computer after leaving the website. They help with identifying you as a unique guest (by keeping information in the form of a randomly generated number). The duration of the cookie files remaining on your computer depends on the type of such files.

  • Consent to the use of cookies

Before you can use our website, we need to get your consent to the use of cookies. Our site contains a pop-up window informing about the use of cookies and a request to accept their use by clicking the word “ACCEPT.”

  • Tracking

Some information about you is obtained by us automatically. We collect it for the general trends analysis, as well as for the administration of our website, products and services.

We work with third parties (such as Google ads) to display information on our website or to manage our ads on other sites. Our contractor may use cookies or similar technologies to display advertisements based on your online activity and interests.

  • Deleting cookies

If you believe that the presence of cookies violates your privacy, you can disable them at any time either for a specific site or for all connections from your browser.

  • Examples:

If you believe that the presence of cookies violates your privacy, you can disable them at any time either for a specific site or for all connections from your browser.

  • Mozilla Firefox – In the “Tools” menu, select “Options” and then the “Privacy” tab.
    The browser gives you the option of marking that you do not want to be tracked at all or to remove individual cookies from specific sites.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer – In the “Tools” menu, select “Internet Options” and in then the “Privacy” tab. You can adjust the overall level of privacy with a special slider, alternatively, use the “Website” button to manage the settings of individual websites.
  • Google Chrome – In the hidden menu under three horizontal dashes, in the upper right corner of the browser, select “Tools” and then “Clear browsing data …”. In addition to the possibility of cleaning cookies, there is a link saying “More information,” which leads to a detailed description of the browser’s privacy functions.
  • Opera – Przyciskiem “Opera” w lewym górnym rogu otwórz menu i wybierz w nim “Ustawienia” i dalej “Wyczyść historię przeglądania…”. Oprócz możliwości skasowania już ustawionych plików cookie, jest tam też przycisk “Zarządzaj ciasteczkami…” prowadzący do bardziej zaawansowanych opcji dla poszczególnych witryn.
  • Opera – With the “Opera” button in the upper left corner, open the menu and select “Settings,” and then “Clear browsing history …”. In addition to the ability to delete already preset cookies, there is also a button “Manage cookies …” leading to more advanced options for particular sites.
  • Apple Safari – In the “Safari” menu, select “Preferences” and then the”Privacy” tab. You’ll find numerous options for cookies there. When it comes to mobile phones, tablets and other mobile devices: every model can handle this function differently. Therefore, we encourage you to read the privacy options in the documentation on the website of the manufacturer of your mobile device.

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Made with ❤️ by Indevops for Kubernetes and SaunaFS 💑.